4 Reasons Carpets Are a Great Choice for Your Basement

When you're renovating your basement, one of the most vital decisions you'll need to make is what type of flooring to use. There are plenty of options from which to choose, but most people find that carpeting is the way to go. Here are just four advantages that come with using carpets in the basement. 1. Perfect During Water Penetration Basements are more likely to suffer from moisture problems than other rooms in your home, which probably makes you think carpet isn't an ideal option. Read More 

Two signs that your home’s flooring system may be deteriorating

There are certain signs that can indicate that your home's flooring system has started to deteriorate and needs to be replaced or fixed. Here are two such signs. The floorboards bow under your weight If when you walk across one of the floors in your home, the floorboards bow under your weight, it is very likely that there is a problem with this part of your property's flooring system. This issue usually arises when the trusses within the flooring system have weakened. Read More